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Interview with Erin Robertson

Narrator of Always Love Audiobook


 "Erin Robertson has narrated stories since she was a child, and bringing the written word to life is one of her passions. Erin loves to hike outdoors, to spend time with her dogs, and to dance. But mostly she loves sharing her life with her husband and their three beautiful daughters. Seeking God's presence in the every day to the extraordinary, Erin finds the most joy in the quiet moments at home. Especially when a good book is involved!"

Interview Questions:

Tell us a bit about yourself? Your family?

My husband and I have been married almost 20 years, and we have a daughter in high school, a daughter in middle school, and a daughter in grade school. We also have two dogs, and it is not uncommon for me to come home with a stray dog that needs fostering for a few weeks. To say that life is busy and fun is an understatement!


What do you do for fun?

I love to be outside, whether that's hiking or walking in our neighborhood or swinging on our porch. 


What inspires you?

What is one thing about you that might surprise our readers/listeners? I love to eat Mac and Cheese, it borders on ridiculous. I would eat it every day if that could be healthy!


Have you always had a love of books? How did that start?

Ironically, no. I didn't have a lot of interested in reading outside of school assignments. Then in college, I developed some troubles in going to sleep. My mind was too anxious to calm down after a long day. I found that reading light fiction novels for fun made a world of difference. Once I started to read books I chose, and for enjoyment not a grade, I fell in love with reading.


Do you have a favourite book?

Yes! I love A Wrinkle in Time by Madeleine L'Engle, and I have loved it since my sister read it aloud to me at bedtime when I was 8.


What made you interested in narrating?

I have always enjoyed narrating. As a child, I would volunteer to read the textbook sections to the class, and I often asked to read the scripture during our church services. I also was involved in several plays, starting at the age of 5 and going through middle school. Plus, I was in the school choir and danced competitively for a decade. I guess you could say that I enjoyed performing! As an adult, I enjoy reading to my children in different voices, and reading to their classes at school. So when I was considering ways to earn an income, I stumbled upon the option to narrate audiobooks, and it just felt like a perfect match.


Have you faced any particular challenges in learning to narrate?

Yes, I naturally speak tooooo fast! I have had to work on purposefully slowing down to what feels like a painfully slow pace. When I listen to the playback, the pace is great, but it just feels so slow when I'm recording!


What is your favourite part of narrating?

Trying to emphasize and stress the words the author wrote in a way that feels natural and brings the words to life.


What would you suggest for someone interested in becoming a narrator?

The best advice I heard was to spend a week recording different selections, for several hours each day. If sitting still in a small space for several hours, and then listening to your own voice for hours after that doesn't sound appealing, then this job is not for you!


How do you choose narration projects?

Carefully! I read through the description of the book to make sure it is something I find interesting. I also think about my children searching for my audiobooks and whether or not I would want them to listen to it.


What has been it like for you to narrate Always Love?

It has been wonderful and thought-provoking. I have read the entire Bible several times, but each time usually takes me a few years to complete. Seeing the same stories, but condensed in a way to grasp the unifying themes and content, has really helped me to deepen my understanding of the scripture.


Do you have a favourite part of the book, a favourite story?

I really liked how the creation story was interpreted.


What part of the book had the most impact on you personally?

How have you experienced God’s Always Love in your own life? Well, there have been many times that I've messed up. I reacted too quickly or did something, and almost immediately regretted it. Thankfully God has not only helped me through those messes, He not only protected me from punishments and consequences I deserved, but He also gifted me with a deep sense of forgiveness. I think that feeling of peace with the forgiveness is the best experience of God's Always Love.


Do you have any final thoughts you would like to share with our readers/listeners?

The truth of God's love is not just found within a church or book, but it is interwoven into every aspect and moment of our lives. We just have to look for it, and then every day can be meaningful.

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